Last Updated On 25-OCT-2023
Effective Date 12-OCT-2023




Text ENTRY to 70215 for more info 

*Texts charged at your standard network rate.


  1. The prize draw will be open at 9:00am on 12/10/2023and close at 9:00pm on 12/06/2024.
  2. Entry to the prize draw is by texting the ENTRYto 70215. Text messages cost your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates – please check with your provider). You will then receive a free bounce-back message from 70215 providing you with instructions to enter the competition and the option to make a donation to Faith in Families.
  3. For the avoidance of doubt, opting out of the optional donation will not affect your entry into the prize draw.
  4. The prize draw is open to all residents of the UK (please note the text service to enter the prize draw does not include Channel Islands or Isle of Man mobile networks). The prize draw is open to those aged 18 or over). Proof of age, identity and eligibility may be requested.
  5. A maximum of 20 entries can be made per mobile phone number.
  6. Please ensure you spell the Keyword correctly and send your text message to the correct Short Code within the time period that the prize draw is specified as being open. If your short code is invalid, or your text message is received outside the specified time period you will not receive a bounce-back message but may still be charged your standard network message charge. You will not be donating to Faith in Familiesnor will you have entered the prize draw. If you enter the Keyword incorrectly but we, acting reasonably, believe that you are trying to find out more information about the prize draw, you will be sent the free bounce-back message, as described above.
  7. If you’re a UK taxpayer, Faith in Familiescan claim an equal share of an additional £2.50 in Gift Aid from the Government for every £10 donation you make. If you elect to make an optional donation, we’ll send a follow up text to ask if you want us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. If you follow the link in our follow up text you’ll be taken to a Gift Aid declaration – please read it carefully. Find out more about Gift Aid here.
  8. There is only ONEprize available to be won. The details of the prize are as follows: Win X2 Virgin Hot Air Balloon Ride Tickets. Each voucher has the face value of £200.00. Vouchers are valid until 12/10/2024. Vouchers are required on the day of your flight.
  9. The winner will be selected at random and contacted on 13/06/2024 by Faith in Familiesby telephone. If the winner does not respond in order to claim the prize by the end of the next working day, Faith in Families reserves the right to contact the next eligible winner (and in this case the original winner forfeits their claim to the prize), and so on until a winner is found.
  10. The prize is as stated. There is no cash alternative and the elements of the prize cannot be sold or transferred in any circumstances. For the avoidance of doubt, unless specified above, no other costs or expenses will be covered by Faith in Families, or any of the prize providers.
  11. Faith in Familiesand its sub-contractors, subsidiaries and/or agencies cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any telephone network or line, system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any text not being properly received.
  12. The prize draw and text donation service is provided by Donr on behalf of Faith in Families. If you have any queries regarding the service, please contact Donr at the following email address: or call on the following Helpline Number: 0333 4444 111 (Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:30).