by Cherrie Bija CEO of Faith in Families
It was an incredible honour to thank an amazing arena full of people at the Child of Wales Awards on behalf of my fabulous team, who make it all happen. We are a small but mighty group of passionate individuals who pour our hearts into changing children’s lives every single day.
To our dedicated Trustees, many of whom were in this room, your unwavering support ensures we deliver on our promises. Your faith in our vision drives us to achieve more. Thank you for trusting us.
To all the individuals who nominated us, thank you. Your recognition is a testament to the impact we strive to make. You witnessed our efforts and found them worthy of this honour. Thank you for believing in us.
To the organisations and businesses across Wales and the UK who stand with us, your partnership is the backbone of our campaign for change. Your support amplifies our reach and strengthens our resolve. Thank you for having confidence in us.
Most importantly, I was humbled to accept this award on behalf of the approximately 164,700 children in Wales who are currently robbed of their childhood, living in poverty, adversity, ill health, disability, crisis, pain, and hopelessness. Not knowing if there will be food, warmth, comfort, learning, or fun in their futures – tonight you have helped to give them back faith.

- Faith that despite 35% of children having to skip meals, growing up in hunger, little boys who daydream into the sky might one day fly a helicopter.
- Faith that despite her homelessness, 3,357 children live in temporary accommodation, young girls might one day run an incredible million-pound property development company.
- Faith that despite not going to school, 44% of children living scared and full of anxiety, one day that worried young lad will not just long to play with toy trucks but one day own a huge fleet of them.
- Faith that despite never owning a pair of new shoes, 37% of children cannot afford essential clothing, budding athletes will not only be part of a running team but lead them across finishing lines in triathlons.
- Faith that despite having no hot water at home, 40% of children go without heating, teenagers will one day be able to pass on a full bucket as they build an empire.
Winning this award proves that we have faith that everything is possible, faith that we believe in their futures. Our children face unimaginable challenges every day.
So, can I ask you to imagine the difference you can make to our children in Wales if you came alongside and were part of our community? Could you join us in making change for our children and our country?

Thank you, Child of Wales, for hearing their voices, for seeing their struggles, and for committing to make a difference. You have given us faith as a team to pass on hope for our children. Poverty is not inevitable, and it can be changed with compassion, courage, and community.
So, on behalf of our children across Wales, thank you 164,700 times for believing that we are an outstanding charity.
Together, we are not just changing lives; we are saving them.