Rachel – Summer of Fun Blog

Our Child and Families Worker Rachel has been with us for nearly ten years. Rachel shares with us her highlights from the summer.

Summer 2021 has been the best yet in my almost 10 years in Faith in Families!! 

The dream of #teambonymaen including Suzanne and the amazing Inspiring Futures girls have blown it out of the park for the children, families and the surrounding community. The variety of sessions that have been offered have been gratefully received by children and parents alike. The feedback we’ve received has brought us so much joy to learn how appreciated our services have been this summer. 

A favourite moment from the summer has to be our amazing Family Funday. The staff had an absolute ball and ALL the children and their families loved it. When we requested feedback for what they would like to see from us next school holidays the majority were in favour of a funday again!!

A firm memory we all have as a team are the happy faces from all of our children that have come through our doors, them begging to be able to come to more play sessions than what we were able to offer and the new friendships that have been created. 

2021 has been the #summeroffun